Useful Links
MS Brain Health
An evidence-based international consensus report, Brain health: time matters in multiple sclerosis, which recommends a strategy to maximize lifelong ‘brain health’.
MS International Federation
A global network of MS organisations, people affected by MS, volunteers and staff from around the world.
MS Research Australia
MS UK Research News
A small national charity dedicated to empowering people affected by MS to make the most of today, and live life to the full. Their website is regularly updated with interesting research news.
Multiple Sclerosis Society of NZ
Formed to advocate for systemic change so people with MS in New Zealand have access to first world treatment, resources and services to improve their well-being and quality of life. The work of MSNZ aims to reduce the burden of MS on those diagnosed, their carers and families.
National MS Society
Neurological Foundation of NZ Human Brain Bank
New Zealand Brain Research Institute
Focused on finding new answers to complex questions about brain disorders such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS and Huntington’s.
The International Progressive MS Alliance
A global collaboration of MS organizations, researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and people with progressive MS, transforming the landscape of MS.
The International Multiple Sclerosis Consortium
Aimed primarily at scientists working on MS and related diseases.
University of Auckland Centre for Brain Research
Scientists, doctors and students work at every level; from the laboratory to the clinic to whānau and the community, providing novel insights on how the brain stimulates, controls and interacts with the rest of the body.