Watch the Multiple Sclerosis Research Day in Auckland.

The New Zealand Multiple Sclerosis Research Trust was delighted to host MS Research Day 2019 in conjunction with MS Auckland. This event covered a range of stimulating topics relevant to people with MS, their families, and their support networks. Enjoy the conference here, streamed live.
Thank you to Biogen and Roche for funding the event and making it possible.
Speakers and Topics:
Listed below are the presentations from the MS Research Day 2019. Click on the timestamp to jump ahead and watch a specific presentation.
Speaker | Topic | Timestamp |
Neil Woodhams | Welcome | 0:00:00 |
Dr Suzi Claflin | Outcomes and Impact of Access to Disease-Modifying Treatments | 0:12:30 |
Dr Ernie Willoughby | Report on 2019 European Conference on Treatment and Research into Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) | 0:44:00 |
Panel | Questions from the audience | 1:34:30 |
Fran Watts | Book: I Can, Until I Can’t | 1:59:30 |
Fiona d’Young | MS Maternity Project: insights from new mothers with MS used to shape improvements for future maternity services | 2:41:30 |
Dr Scott Graham | Investigating the presence of Blood Brain Barrier disrupting factors in the serum of individuals with Relapsing Remitting MS | 3:01:00 |
Dr Justin O’Sullivan | New insights to understand you, your genes, MS and its complications | 3:29:00 |
Gilly Davy | Building Self-Efficacy in Exercise and Ultimate MS Management | 3:55:00 |
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