Learn what the research is telling us about Multiple Sclerosis, pregnancy and women’s health

The New Zealand Multiple Sclerosis Research Trust is pleased to announce the first event in its annual MS Research Webinar Series.
Multiple Sclerosis is increasingly becoming a condition that impacts young women and men. With the average age of diagnosis in NZ being mid 30s the question of family planning is often at the forefront of people’s minds.
Our first speaker in the series is a leader in research surrounding MS, pregnancy and women’s health. Dr Vilija G. Jokubaitis is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School at Monash University. Vilija also leads an international Women’s Health, Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes Registry integrated in MSBase (www.msbase.org). Driven by the passion to improve advice for women with MS and their neurologists much of her research has focussed on pregnancy and MS.
Vilija will present on 4 key areas of her work;
- MS and fertility
- Impacts of pregnancy on disease outcomes for women
- Pregnancy and neo-natal outcomes
- Tracking women’s health
This webinar will be of interest to all ages and genders looking to understand more about the impacts of MS on current and future generations and the importance of tracking women’s health. It will also be of interest to health professionals supporting people with MS.
NZMSRT is funded by donations and bequests. If you would like to support the work of the trust please donate via Givealittle