News and highlights keeping you informed as we work together to accelerate life-changing treatments for people with progressive MS worldwide.

Advancing Research to Reduce Symptoms Experienced by People with Progressive MS
A call to action from the International Progressive MS Alliance
For many of the worst symptoms experienced by individuals living with progressive MS, there are insufficient treatment approaches that can relieve them and improve quality of life. To jump start research to address these gaps, the International Progressive MS Alliance convened an expert panel of researchers, representatives from industry, and people affected by progressive MS to highlight and focus research priorities to address key symptoms: fatigue, impairment of mobility and upper limb function, pain, and cognitive impairment.
The expert panel published a paper in Multiple Sclerosis Journal on March 15, 2021 outlining their recommendations as a first step toward driving research to develop much-needed solutions for these symptoms.
Read the full announcement and also listen to a Real Talk MS podcast interview with Kathleen Zackowski, PhD, one of the paper’s authors.
Alliance Brings Together Stakeholders on COVID-19 and Progressive MS
Lessons Learned and Future Efforts
The International Progressive MS Alliance is bringing together leaders from Industry, Academia, Healthcare, MS Organizations and people affected by MS to share what has been learned about COVID-19’s impacts on people living with progressive MS. Two online sessions on 12 April and 15 April will examine a variety of topics including the biological aspects of COVID-19 in progressive MS, risk factors, vaccine use and the emotional and social well-being of people affected by MS. It is hoped that by evaluating lessons already learned and identifying areas for future work, we can increase global effectiveness for the treatment and support of people with progressive MS with regards to COVID-19 and any future viruses.
Alliance Endorses All-Ireland MS Research Network
New Network Connects Researchers throughout Ireland and Internationally
The Executive Committee of the Alliance has formally endorsed the newly formed All-Ireland MS Research Network (AIMS-RN) in an effort to encourage increased collaboration in MS research everywhere.
AIMS-RN was established in February 2021 to connect MS researchers on the island of Ireland to focus on supporting research that targets disease progression in MS. The activities of the network will focus in four areas:
Delivering cutting-edge research that focuses on limiting disease progression.
Training future MS researchers and leaders.
Communicating MS research discoveries and results to the public, the research community and key stakeholders.
Collaborating on MS research programmes nationally and internationally to achieve the mission of the network, working with people with MS as primary partners.