Access Advisors provides digital accessibility consultance services around the country. They also have a network of people with access needs who are interested in doing research for some of the more enlightened companies who realise that it is better to test websites with users with access needs rather than just get Access Advisors to do expert reviews.
To provide research participants to these companies Access Advisors have a network of people who have access needs, are relatively tech savvy and who want to get paid for their opinions. And they are always looking for new people. If you would like to apply yo be an Accessibility Research Participant or know someone who would fit the role well please apply and share.
About the role
Position: Accessibility Research Participant
Location: All of New Zealand
Employment Status: Self-employed (please note: NOT fulltime or guaranteed work)
Rates of Pay: You receive $50 for every hour of research, and they will cover travel expenses up to $50 per session.
Position Details
Access Advisors provides accessibility research, training and consultancy services to businesses throughout New Zealand. As part of their work they often recommend that customers do research and test their products with people who have access needs, not just with automated code checkers.
To support these services Access Advisors need people with access needs to join their network of Research Participants. If you use any type of assistive technology or have a sensory, physical or cognitive impairment that makes it difficult for you to interact with technology, then Access Advisors would like to hear from you. Impairments might include anything from colour blindness to dyslexia.
Work will be part-time and intermittent, doing research and testing of digital products as their customers ask for these services. This is NOT fulltime or guaranteed work. But, if your details match with the requirements of their customers, you will be getting paid to help make the digital world a more accessible place.
Research sessions will be facilitated by trained and police checked researchers and will take place either in your own home, at the customer’s business or in Access Advisors research facilities, depending on the customer’s needs. Access Advisors are interested in hearing from both people who can work only from home and those who are willing to travel to research facilities or customer sites for sessions. Sessions would typically be on weekdays between 9 am and 6 pm. A session may take between one and four hours. The types of research can range from an online survey to doing tasks on a website.
Before confirming your participation in any sessions Access Advisors will discuss the date, start time, location, duration and nature of the research session with you. There is no obligation for you to participate in any specific session.
Application Form
Access Advisors are always looking for people with access needs to join their network. To apply to email using the subject Research Participant and they will send you an application form. For them to assess your suitability and accurately assign relevant projects to you, they will need to know a little more about you.
Please note: Access Advisors take your privacy and security seriously and all your information will be stored securely and only shared with their Project and Consultancy team. Your personal information will NEVER be shared with any third parties. Data from your sessions will always be anonymised before being shared with our customers as part of any report.