If you missed the live webinars you can catch up with all of the latest information now.
The NZ MS Research Trust was delighted to present our new webinar series: online and nationally available. We know that research makes a real difference to the outcomes for people with MS, and the Trust is committed to not only funding the research, but also updating our community on the latest developments. While the current climate makes the much-anticipated MS Research Day impossible, our new webinar series brings this research direct to your home.
Highlights include Dr Wallace Brownlee, dialling in from London to update us on HSCT treatments for MS, and Dr Justin O’Sullivan speaking to the latest local research on genetics. Also, Dr Ernie Willoughby updating us on COVID and MS, and Dr Jennifer Massey and Dr Richard Doocey on aHCST.
Our Webinar Series, kindly hosted by the Liggins Institute, University of Auckland, will present a selection of the latest research in the field of MS both here and overseas.
Webinar Series 1 – Saturday 12th September 2020 – COVID-19 and Genetic Impacts on MS
Bringing us up to speed: The latest in MS and COVID, and some exciting NZ based research into genetics and MS
Webinar Series 2 – Saturday 26th September 2020 – Advances in aHSCT
An International Perspective: voices from around the world speak about the latest advances in aHSCT treatment for MS
Webinar Series 3 – Saturday 10th October 2020 – Exploring how lifestyle modifications can improve MS outcomes
Webinar Series 3: Exploring how lifestyle modifications can improve MS outcomes